[Differential Function Do you know?]
Release date:[2021/4/21] Is reading[365]次

Is the polypropylene oil actually have so many features?

1. The polypropylene oil and its solution have good stability, non-toxic, no odor, no irritation to the skin and mucosa, and use safety.

2. The smoothness of the polypropylene oil  and the antistatic resistance, the drafting is less, and the filament is small, the slice of draft is good;

3. The aquiroly oil is suitable, the winding cylinder is well formed, and the draft wire is well wired;

4. The polypropylene oil  is good, strong antioxidant, does not smoke, unconfocus when heat drafting, and the processing is yellow;

5. Improve the balance adjustability of fibers:

  1) Increase fiber softness to improve the feel of the product;

  2) Improve the dust-proof anti-wrinkle function of the product to ensure the white;

  3) Improve the antioxidant properties of the product;

  4) Improve the tensile and tensile strength of the fibers;

6. The polypropylene oil has no corrosion of metals. Due to the high strength of the oil film, it has good lubrication to the metal equipment.

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